


Different topics
Key topics
National standards
Rules for Digital Financial Services This year, the International Conference on Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion is being held for…
Cryptocurrencies as the only way to safely store money under sanctions.Bitcoin cycles. What awaits us next?Trading and investments. Tips, tools…
Digital Literacy
What is the difference between cryptocurrencies and digital financial assets? Volunteer programs and online self-study services The era of digital…
Bitcoin is the basis for many other cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency and the most popular at the moment. Who invented Bitcoin?Surprisingly, no one knows who invented…
The latest methods of identification and protection of consumer data The rapid introduction of new technologies into the financial market…
Finance and accounting
Losses and gains of bitcoin investors Strategies for managing financial flows; Effective fundraising for operational and investment activities; Agrarian receipts…

About the conference
The conference is designed to encourage an open dialogue between representatives of financial institutions, government agencies and the expert community and the public on financial literacy and financial inclusion, and cryptocurrency, particularly bitcoin. The event is held in the format of free exchange of opinions, accumulated experience and knowledge. The…
Conference program

Day 1
09:00 – Registration of participants. Welcome coffee. 10:00 – Session 1. Looking Into the Future. Rebounding from the Bottom: How…

Day 2
09:00 – Registration of participants. Welcome coffee. 10:00 – Session 1. Budgeting Beyond Budgeting. How to manage your business in…

Day 3
9:30-10:00 – welcome coffee, registration. 10:00-11:30 – Block I “Financial Course for 2023”. “Currency forecast until the end of 2022.…
Financing for Your Startup Firm: Where to Get It?
Do you have a mind-blowing idea for your new startup, but financial constraints are getting in your way? Some people…
How Attending a Financial Conference Increases Chances of Business Success
Finance professionals should always look for opportunities that come their way to impose their skills and expertise. One of these…
What is margin trading and what are its risks
An investor can conduct transactions on the stock exchange not only with their own assets. Quite often brokers and forex dealers are ready to lend their clients securities
You can’t earn it, but how do you get it?
Ideally, it is possible to find an employer who pays in cryptocurrency, but most likely this can be done only with a foreign partner in the IT field.
Myths and Truth about Precious Metals
Yes and no. Precious metals are always valuable, even in times of global economic crisis. But if we are talking about short-term investments
The team did a good job on the virtual conference. The CFO and COO conference provided valuable discussions and networking opportunities on issues facing CFOs and COOs without delay.